Call for Projects
As part of our Pilot Implementation and Partnerships Phase (PIPP), Higher Ground is interested in identifying a small number of projects with committed champions that will serve as the pioneers in testing the VRC™ market scheme. These projects will benefit from support by Higher Ground in defining project level baselines, monitoring systems, and securing project sponsors interested in securing VRCs™. If the projects are registered through Higher Ground, they will qualify to generate and sell early action VRCs™.
Interested parties are invited to review the Request for Project Concept Notes. If you feel your project may be good candidate, please submit a project concept note to projects@thehighergroundfoundation.org. If you are unsure if your project would be a good candidate, look at the project examples and contact us via email with questions or comments.
The Project Concept Notes are an opportunity for project proponents to begin the process of communicating their project to Higher Ground. Those projects that look like they have potential to be good candidates for vulnerability reduction credits will be contacted to develop a dialogue and further assess their applicability as the Higher Ground pioneers.