Pilot Implementation and Partnership Phase (PIPP)
With the VRC Standard Framework launched, projects can be registered to qualify for VRCs in our “Pilot Implementation and Partnerships Phase” (PIPP). Higher Ground is currently very active in seeking out partners for the PIPP across an array of sectors and regions. During this phase, the HGF will be working with funders and creators of adaptation projects, climate service providers, and communities vulnerable to climate change to develop pilot projects that will gain “early credit” for their adaptation results.
We are already working with a number of groups, most extensively at this time with an organization seeking to apply micro-irrigation technologies (MIT) in Vietnam. Together we are gathering available data and using it to prepare methodology and project documents. We then will test the rigour of the analytics and start monitoring and verification for the issuance of early action credits.
HGF is looking forward to featuring our VRC™ Public Launch and PIPP at a variety of events to demonstrate bottom-up innovation in building global climate resilience one project at a time. Our aim is to create a future in which the best responses to climate change are the choices the world wants to make.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss potential opportunities for your organization.